#Frame of Reference

Self Guided Social Justice Theater Troupe

ACT-tion! is a theatrical training model for addressing the often times complex issues of race, gender and cultural inequities on campus. The ACT-tion! program is a social justice, student-led theater ensemble. This group uses improvisational techniques to illustrate real situations that students encounter, but are often mishandled or avoided outright because they lack the cultural language to address them appropriately.

The cast acts as peer facilitators on stage (aided by DOD) to help move and focus the discussion in a healthy and productive way. The range of issues that students can cover is as broad as the campus itself. The students decide which issues will take center stage, then work to bring them to life. The ACT-tion! program is a training model that is not just open to students who desire to perform. It is a leadership program that educates potential leaders in group facilitation techniques, positive and reflective listening, team building and collective problem solving skills.
The Improvisational Model is not a new one. For almost 100 years some form of this discipline has been used to help individuals gain insight into the complex social matrix that makes up our world.
Known by many names such as Psychodrama, Playback Theater, and Forum Theater, this model has been used by millions across the globe.

This training program will give participants an overview of the forms past while also showing its most progressive incarnation and applications. Students with their own theatre groups will also be given workbooks and reference materials which will provide them with all they need to know to have their ensemble continue to grow.
Our method represents a unique approach in addressing social issues with knowledge, receptivity, a sense of humor, and dialogue.