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The Movement:

Fifty Years of Love and Struggle

A Dialogues On Diversity Production

I repeatedly felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck



Puts a human face to the historic timeline

- The Boston Globe



 One Actor  

Ten Characters 
 Fifty Years of Social Justice 


   he Movement: 50 Years of Love and Struggle is a visual chronicle which highlights many of the political, social and cultural markers of the roughly 50 years since passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


This theatrical production features EMMY Award winning actor Ron Jones. Jones plays multiple characters and takes the audience on a journey through the ever-changing face of the African American experience.


Supported by interactive video, stock historical footage, quotes and some of the most memorable music of the last two generations, Jones weaves the tapestry of struggle and triumph.  These developments created the fastest cultural expansion of any group in American history, as a culture and a nation, we are still dealing with these positive and negative ripple effects.  The power of the vote enabled much of the movement that protest and boycott could not alone.


Through both the comedic and poignant, the show’s characters tell of the great struggles and of the challenges ahead. From the “Black Power 60’s”, to the “Blaxploitation 70’s”, into the “Cosby 80’s” and through the so-called “Post Racial” new millennia, "The Movement" is a survey of the best and sometimes worst of the African-American experience.


The performance will be followed up by an open discussion with the audience.

Starring Ron Jones


RON JONES was awarded the Boston/New England Regional Emmy of the National Academy of Television, Arts and Science in 2002. He has been an actor, director, and trainer for over twenty years.

JONES has been a performing member of such troupes as ImprovBostonStageCoach improv, and The U.S. Improvisational Theatre League as well as numerous stage and industrial productions.  

Featuring Thirteen Characters


Each character representing a different figure in the fight for justice.

Also Featuring

Spoken Word by:
Justin Maxwell
Nonnie Christine Egbuna
Christian Rhony

the show is highly educational without feeling like a classroom, and Jones manages to convey the plight of the African American community without preaching. We are made to understand, we are not forced to.

D.C. Theater Scene

Supported by music, video and stock historical footage, Jones will highlight some of the most important cultural landmarks of the last 50 years for African Americans.

The Exponent

We hear also from a prisoner, a professor, a minister, and an exasperated KKK member, all of whom add shading to the history.

Washington City Paper

[The performance shows] that if the events that hold our greatest values aren't regularly brought back to memory and attention, we run the risk of losing them.



Letters of Recommendation

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